Environmental Commitment
We live with the fact that we can’t live without water. Another fact: less than 1% of the world’s water supply is fresh, and much of that is being compromised by overutilization, contamination and climatic influences. At CleanTech Engineering Limited, everything we do reflects our sense of responsibility to the industries, communities and people we serve. Our water purification solutions are cleaner, greener and more responsive to environmental priorities.
CleanTech Engineering Limited is a socially and environmentally progressive company deeply committed to green operations, a healthy and energized workforce, and a better planet. We believe that the green practices we apply daily in our internal operations can be replicated by our clients and the community, and we regularly carry that message to our customers and the public
We keep environmental protection, including water reclamation, in mind when developing our products and practices. We strive to do more than just maintain minimal environmental regulatory compliance; we work to prevent pollution where possible.
Additionally, we assist our customers in meeting their own objectives, minimizing adverse environmental impacts from their processes through the implementation of the most effective water treatment programs

To accomplish these goals, CleanTech Engineering Limited works in partnership with customers to produce the most efficient water and energy management systems, not only to optimize process effectiveness, but also to conserve such resources as fuel, natural waters, and construction materials. One such process is found in establishing a Zero Liquid Discharge (ZLD) program where practical. Using an array of technologies like physical and chemical treatments, filtration, and membrane and separation technology, we’ll specify best-in-class solutions to purify and recycle wastewater and reduce harmful effluent wastewater discharge outside a plant’s boundary.
These goals would be impossible to achieve without the hard work and dedication of our employees. Their health and safety is the foundation of our company and continues to be one of our highest priorities. Programs developed in the health and safety section of the environmental, health, and safety management systems are designed to protect our employees through standardized practices and training. By keeping our employees safe every day, CleanTech Engineering Limited can continue to serve you at the highest level possible.